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Here is an opportunity to do something that will


Impact The Community!


Help Buck make a difference


There are many ways to volunteer,

from workimg the polls to hosting small neighborhood Meet-n-Greets

Volunteer at the Fundraiser

Are you interesed in helping at the Barn Raising Dinner and Dance?


This will require people to help with auctions, food, registration tables, and many more areas!



To sign up!



Volunteer during the election

I can not do this alone.

I need YOU!


This area will cover all types of opprotunites to help DURING my campaign.


Working the polls during early voting and election day, Placing Signs, etc


There is so much to do and i would be honored if you would join me!


If you are interested in hosting a "meet n greet" at your house, please sign up here. 


I would be happy to come and explain my platform, county governement and of course functions of my office.


All that is required is to invite your neighbors and friends. Maybe mix up some drinks, some light snacks and provide me about an hour or two to meet the people YOU believe in and who YOU think will beleive in me!

Join the C.B. Buck Stevens Re-Election Campaign

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